It’s tough and challenging task to get approval on auto loan after bankruptcy because you have proved to be un-creditworthy, so there are so many chances of your loan getting rejected by your lenders. For most lenders, they will turn away from you offering you a significant amount of loan because of your bankruptcy situation.
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Waiting for little time may help such situation to disappear after 1-2 years in most cases. This means your credit score still low but will be slightly higher than right after your bankruptcy.
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To get approval for auto loan and finance for your new or used car in future, you will need to work harder You will need to work harder. Here are few tips that will help you to get an auto loan even after bankruptcy.
Save Money for Down Payment
Most of the money lenders, especially car dealers who provide you finance, they will always have a hard time walking away from an immediate, lump sum payment. So if you have saved your money for down payment, this will be a good impression.The larger your down payment amount, the more enticing your loan will be to a lending agent.
Most of the money lenders expect around 10-15% down payment amount on- an auto loan plus the value of a trade-in. In a post-bankruptcy condition situation, you might not have a percentage of have a trade in the present. Instead of that, you will have to give around 30% down payment to get your loan approved from your lender. Those Borrowers who give around 50% down payment,
Most of the money lenders expect around 10-15% down payment amount on- an auto loan plus the value of a trade-in. In a post-bankruptcy condition situation, you might not have a percentage of have a trade in the present. Instead of that, you will have to give around 30% down payment to get your loan approved from your lender. Those Borrowers who give around 50% down payment,
Wait for 1-2 Years before you apply
Most of the states don’t allow a bankruptcy to go off a credit report for at least 5 years and for some cases it would be 10 years too. Even this is a hard time to go, waiting for little time would be very helpful. Hen you approach bankruptcy, at that time, you may have missed your payments reported on your credit score. Sometimes, those payments go 1 month, two months or sometimes 3 months late. This will drop your credit score each time they are reported.Waiting for little time may help such situation to disappear after 1-2 years in most cases. This means your credit score still low but will be slightly higher than right after your bankruptcy.
Pick Perfect Time to Shop
When you purchase for auto loans from car dealers, this gives you little advantage. The dealer will get an incentive to lend you money from him or her to sell the car.
This is true in most of the cases if a merchant has a hard time making his/her numbers for given month or year. It is recommended that you shop at the end of the month or near the end of the year, at that time, a dealer will want to boost their monthly incentive, and this is the perfect time to shop and get your auto loan approved. At that time, a dealer may extend a riskier loan in this case.
If you are planning to get finance for your car, you should consider few points mentioned above after Bankruptcy to get your loan process approved smoothly and quickly.
This is true in most of the cases if a merchant has a hard time making his/her numbers for given month or year. It is recommended that you shop at the end of the month or near the end of the year, at that time, a dealer will want to boost their monthly incentive, and this is the perfect time to shop and get your auto loan approved. At that time, a dealer may extend a riskier loan in this case.
If you are planning to get finance for your car, you should consider few points mentioned above after Bankruptcy to get your loan process approved smoothly and quickly.
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